Reynolds Rescue & Recovery Ltd is proud to offer a self-service members area for either your personal vehicle or company fleet!
As part of our member's community, you'll need an account with Reynolds Rescue & Recovery. You can procure an account by emailing or calling our office, we only require a handful of details.
Having this account grants you access to allow you to book your vehicle in for collection, transport, and even recovery without long hold times, all at the tap of a few buttons.
What's included -
Tyre spare swap.
Battery jumpstart.
Battery replacement (cost of battery not always included & limited to make and model of vehicle).
Free 6 monthly inspections. (pre-booked).
Free 12 monthly inspections. (pre-booked).
Recovery to home.
Recovery to one of our recommended garages.
Recovery to your preferred garage, (needs to be added to account by name and address)
Recovery from your home to our approved or your account listed garage.
4×4 rescue recovery (Subject to availability).
Flood recovery.
Fire Recovery.
Fuel delivery.
None MOT cover.
Cover all age vehicles, including ones over 300,000 miles (482,803.2 km).
Disposal of vehicle.
Courtesy car (subject to availability).
5% discount added to account per year with us! (cap at total of 15% applies to workshop repairs & recovery costs only)
Drop off at any local public/private service i.e. Hotel taxi, bus, train stations for onward travel.
Onward travel where resources are available.
Major competitors don't offer!
What's not included -
Major repairs (and anything deemed by RR&R or our staff as workshop necessary).
Body work repairs.
Paint work repair.
Window replacement/repair.
Permanent repairs (all roadside repairs must be assessed by a workshop professional soon as possible).
Cost of Parts is not included, unless stated otherwise at time of call out.
Electrical repairs beyond battery replacement.
Structural repairs.
Engine repairs/replacement.
Recoveries outside of mainland England, Wales, Scotland, Cornwall.
Recoveries over a total of 500 miles (804.67 km) or 10 hours of driving time, due to UK law.
Any call out 2 hours + from our HQ may not be treated as priority and could possibly be delayed until resources are available.
Cost: As little £8 monthly
Now the good news… yes, yes, we know theirs more good news! On top of getting to be a part of a very refined community, you get the joy of control by deciding what you pay per month! Our accounts have a guide price of £8 to £18 per account now this is totally down to you and what you can afford but if you are not sure feel free to ask our team! At the end of the day, we are not salesmen/women we get paid either way, but it's within our job and our DNA to make sure we help you!
If you'd like to join our limited availability community to please fill out the form below, mention that you'd like to join our breakdown and one of our team will call you back soon as we are available!